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Enjoy international exchange at home!

Host Family Wanted!!


​Term:Feb10-13        Welcome party:Feb10 
Application/inquiry:Kitaibaraki City office :Dead line January 15th

Would you like to spend three irreplaceable days with international students? This is a homestay for students who want to learn Japanese, so you can easily experience it. Although the program is short, it creates bonds and is popular among both students and participating families.

About Us


Kitaibaraki International Communications Society (KICS) is supported by Kitaibaraki City, working to create an international cultural city that can contribute to world peace, international goodwill, and cultural improvement by promoting various exchages between citizens and countries.

"Make friends all over the world and understand each other's countries." The fellow citizens of Kitaibaraki City got together and that is what we are now, KICS.




KICS Activities

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KICS looking for members who agree with the purpose of the association and help promote international exchange activities.

Kitaibaraki International Communications Society(KICS)

1-222 Isohara, Isohara cho, Kitaibaraki city, Ibaraki pref. Japan 



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